Salutations and degradations to friends and enemies respectively!

current desktop background

My current desktop background.

I go by the moniker Mick Measley. Mickey if you wanna be cute about it.

This website is the home base of my online presence and, lets not be too flowery about it, a glorified linktree page for my other online accounts, as well as anything else that i might deign to link here.

On top of that though, this site is also home to stuff that, at the time of writing this, is exclusive to this site for your reading and viewing pleasure, assuming you still have the attention span to read things in this current overstimulating digitalized hell-world we live in.

If you're seeing this page in its current form, this website is in its early stages, and, if the future holds me to it, eventually it will be more complete. consider this version 0.1

Theme music:


About Me

To quickly introduce myself, I'm a very typical dweller of the internets cozier outskirts, such as neocities, discord, the more tolerable niches of 4chan, and wherever else i feel it worthwhile to have a presence.

An OC of mine, Mr. Tibs

An OC of mine, Mr. Tibs.

My online footprint mainly consists of self-taught artistic endeavors in a variety of digital mediums (which range in depth from half-assed shitposts to maybe somewhat serious attempts at making cool shit), the occasional rumination on the meta of online culture and (sometimes) politics, and fandom/fandom adjacent discussion and shitposting. mostly just shitposting.

I'm a "gay autistic spaz" both in the sense of the tounge-in-cheek internet neologisms and quite possibly my literal psycho-social condition.

As such, any eloquence you might percieve me to have through text is probably developed as compensation for this disposition.


dope ass fit

a Dope-ass oufit of mine.

Also, (and this is maybe the oddest thing about me, at least in contrast to everything else you'll get from a first impression of me) I like to dress in a style which i can only describe, to the best of my limited ability, as "genuine classic menswear nerd post-ironically taking on the tropes and characteristics of the quirky silly tumblr sexyman archetype".

As you might imagine, this trait of mine is wildly out of place in both the classic menswear and terminally-online fandom communities i lurk/post in and hardly even serves me given how asocial and underachieving i am as a person.

Not only does my interest in fashion seem out of left field for the type of "no-life contrarian internet nerd" i typically associate and identify with, but also my eccentric taste, the angle i come at this style with, and just who I am aren't at all in sync with the rest of the "culture" around classic menswear for the same reason. I'm nobody's model of a gentleman, sophisticate, or any such formally-dressed archetype. I don't even have a job, much less a white collar one.

Nonetheless, I still pursue it as a hobby mainly as self expression, as one of my token autistic "special interests", and quite possibly, once again, as compensation for the insecurities i have about myself in relation to others.

Plus, I also can't really get into any other, more modern style of fashion like, say, streetwear. Too abstract and subjective, not enough structure or rules.

TL;DR: I'm too weird and vulgar to be dressing classy but too autistic to dress in any other style.